Cookie Policy

Effective date: 2023-06-13

Our Cookie Policy explains how cookies are used on our website (, referred to as "the Website") and helps you give consent to their use when you visit our Website.

What is a cookie?

Cookies, in their most basic form, are small files (or sets of data) generated by your internet browser and stored on your computer. When you access a website, it typically requests your computer's permission to store a cookie and retrieve its information.

Cookies can be beneficial as they enable a website to identify a user's device. They can facilitate efficient page navigation, remember preferences, and generally enhance the user experience. Additionally, they can be employed to direct advertisements to you based on your interests by monitoring your website visits.

Session cookies (temporary cookies) are automatically removed when you shut down your browser. Persistent cookies (permanent cookies) continue to exist on your device even after you close your browser.

Consent to our use of cookies

On your initial visit to our Website, you'll be asked to either agree to or decline the use of cookies. While this request typically won't appear on subsequent visits, you have the ability to block or remove cookies or revoke your consent at any point as outlined below.

We may save and retrieve essential cookies on your computer or other device. Essential cookies are vital for our Website's operation. However, it's important to note that we are legally permitted to use essential cookies without your consent as they are solely used to maintain our Website's functionality.

We may also save and retrieve certain non-essential cookies on your computer or other device in line with our current Cookie Policy. These non-essential cookies are not required for our Website's operation, but they enable us to provide you with extra features or gather more data about your usage of our Website.

What do we do with our cookies?

Session Cookies

As stated earlier, we utilize session cookies to accurately pinpoint your browsing session on our site. Session cookies are transient. They exist only for a single session. When you shut the browser window or exit our Website, these cookies vanish. In contrast to other cookie varieties, session cookies are never saved on your computer.

Session Cookies

We utilize analytical cookies that, in conjunction with other data, enable us to compute the aggregate number of users on our Website and identify the most frequently used features of our Website.

This data is then employed to enhance our Website by understanding which content is most attractive to users and customizing our web content accordingly. We do not retain the information gathered through the use of analytical cookies.

What cookies are used on our website? Please see the following table for reference:

Third-party websites

Visitors to our Website can access different external websites by clicking on the external links provided on our Website. This action takes them away from our Website and onto these other sites, which may employ a range of cookies during their visit. It's important to understand that the current Cookie Policy of Hotel Quintessence. does not apply to these third-party websites. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with their cookie policies, if they have any.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Cookie Policy or the way in which we process your personal information, or to exercise your rights, please contact our person in charge of the protection of personal information by email or by mail at the following contact details:

Hotel Quintessence
c/o Person in charge of the protection of personal information
3004, chemin de la chapelle
(Quebec) Canada
J8E 1E1

Person in charge of the protection of personal information: Sophie Racine

Modification of the present Cookie Policy

Hotel Quintessence reserves the right to modify the cookies utilized on our website and make corresponding updates to this Cookie Policy. By regularly reviewing this Cookie Policy, you can stay informed about the cookies we use on our Website, their purposes, and how to disable them if you wish.

We recommend that you check this policy regularly.

Latest revision: July 13, 2023

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3004, chemin de la Chapelle, Mont-Tremblant , Québec, J8E 1E1, Canada
Province of Quebec establishment registration : 188613
3004, chemin de la Chapelle
Mont-Tremblant , Québec
J8E 1E1
© Hôtel Quintessence • Design by LAINEY'S